Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 3 - Broken Furniture & Philosophy

The hamburgers I made last night were very good, I could have used a little more mayo, but we can only strive for perfection. There were some nasty kids drag racing their hot rod cars last night. I called the police, but hung up when they wanted to know my name and address. I'm a tax payer! I pay their salary!

This morning my couch broke. I was just sitting their watching Paula Deen (Reginald's favorite show) when one of the legs collapsed. I guess they just don't make things like they used to. I was able to wedge an old phone book and some "Healthy Living" cook books under the broken leg to prop it up.

I guess I can thank my Sister Nadine for sending them to me now. When I moved the cook books I found a menu you for Sal's Pizza, so it wasn't all bad news. They say when life closes a door, it opens a window...that doesn't really apply to me (I nailed all my windows shut to keep out burglars and Jehovah's witnesses)...My new saying will be "When life crushes a couch, it gives you a menu."

All this heavy lifting has taken a lot out of me. I think I'm going to make some popcorn and lie down.

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