Sunday, April 17, 2011

Day 4: Door-to-door Salvation


I hate Sundays.
I LOVE Sundaes, but I hate Sundays.

Sunday is the day the Jehovah's Witnesses come out. They come to my door about twice a month. They knock on my door and put papers in my mail slot. THAT SLOT IS FOR OFFICIAL U.S. MAIL! It's a CRIME for them to use it.  I yell and yell until they go away. Sometimes I squirt at them with the squirt gun I use when Reginald is bad.

They scare Reginald too. He hides under the couch when they come, then I have to coax him out with peanut butter crackers. This week he couldn't get under the couch because it's broken.

Reginald: Scared

1 comment:

  1. I love this post. In fact, my husband and I live in a faculty house located at an Educational facility when one day the Jehovah Witnesses came to our house. I asked them if they had persmission to be on our campus and they lied and said they did. They were later escorted off by security. To make matters worse they came back a second time and hid their cars, when again they had to be escorted off.
